Beis Din of South Florida בית דין צדק דדרום פלארידא
Beis Din of South Florida        בית דין צדק דדרום פלארידא 
3767 Chase Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33140

Our location

The Beis Din meets in the Miami Beach Community Kollel

3767 Chase Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33140

Beis Din of South Florida
3767 Chase Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33140

Located in the Miami Beach Community Kollel

Phone: 786-300-1613



Rabbi Mendel Senderovic

Av Beis Din


Rabbi Berish Braun

Chaver Beis Din


Rabbi Aryeh Citron

Chaver Beis Din


Rabbi Eily Smith

Chaver Beis Din


Rabbi Yekusiel Stern

Menahel, Administrator


Rabbi Zvi Englander

S'gan Menahel L'Gittin


Rabbi Senderovic
Rabbi Braun
Rabbi Citron
Rabbi Smith
Rabbi Stern
Rabbi Englander
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© Beis Din of South Florida